To utilize Courtesy Pay Overdraft Service on your everyday debit/ATM transactions, we need to hear from you.

Courtesy Pay Overdraft Service can be crucial when it counts most — those times when emergencies or unexpected expenses come up right when your balance is lowest.

To use Courtesy Pay Overdraft Service, you will need to give First Florida Credit Union permission to authorize your overdraft debit/ATM card transactions and charge a fee for the service*. This service does not guarantee we will permit you to overdraw your account without limits.

How does our Courtesy Pay Overdraft Service work?

In the event you make a debit card purchase that overdraws your account, or request an ATM withdrawal that exceeds your balance, Courtesy Pay Overdraft Service allows us to authorize the transaction, (up to $1,500, after subtracting the amount of the fee*), creating a negative balance in your account. Your purchase is then honored at the cash register or your cash is dispensed by the ATM.

Your negative account balance reflects the amount of the overdraft plus our fees* for the service. The next time you make a deposit, your deposited funds are first applied toward the negative balance created by the transaction and fees.

This service is offered at our discretion, which means we do not guarantee we will permit you to overdraw your account without limits. However, we're unable to offer this service to you without your permission. You can give us your permission by opting in for the service.

*If First Florida Credit Union pays your debit/ATM overdraft transaction via Courtesy Pay Overdraft Service, you will be charged according to our standard overdraft practices:


If you have questions, please visit our Help Center or contact us for assistance.